11 July 2013

Filling in time

I have been housebound this week with something possibly contagious so I have stayed away from everyone, especially the little ones. I have tried to be productive and make the most of all the extra time I have on my hands, but it amazes me that when I am time poor I long for more hours in the day and when I get those hours I have to push myself to make the most of them. Perverse.

So here is a little mosaic of what I have been up to.  Greenery and gumnuts have been cut and collected from the garden; a little vignetting was attempted;  a new hat has been commenced and is on the needles; the first of the primulas were admired and the last of the roses was lamented.  A batch of fruit buns was baked;  I made my first attempt at decoupage (with mixed results); and I have begun the quilting of the Vignette Mystery Quilt.

At least I have something to show for my enforced exile.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

Wonderful productivity! Beautiful photos. Creative genius. Love it all. Well done but hope your disease goes away soon!! Lol