04 December 2014

Making a point

I am calling this quilt 'Making a point'.  What point I, or it, is trying to make I am not sure, but perhaps it is that even when you aren't feeling as well as you would like, you can still make quilts.  I have only two more chemotherapy sessions left and it is wonderful to be counting down instead of looking at the mountain I had to get over at the beginning of this year.

As you can see I quilted it with lots of straight lines and I really love the texture this gives the quilt.
The backing is a piece of fabric I picked up at Ikea which I thought was fun and suited the modern look of the quilt.

But I really love how the blue and white baubles on my tiny Christmas tree match the quilt so well.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

I love the new pointy quilt Di. You are so clever. Such pretty material and the blues are gorgeous. Good on you!