21 February 2015


It has been a long time between posts but the main reason for this is because I have been computerless for a couple of months.  John and I tried to share for a while, but it was not very successful.  Yesterday we decided to bite the bullet and buy a second laptop.  To celebrate that and the end of chemo  here is the third of the quilts completed while I have been undergoing my treatment.  I am so excited to have finished this and hope that my strength returns very soon.

I bought most of the fabric in this quilt on a trip to Melbourne some years ago and have been wanting to do something with it ever since.

Simple squares and large stitch quilting made it an easy and relatively fast project.

I called it Playtime for obvious reasons.

Now it has gone to live with the little girls where, no doubt, it will be used to make cubbies and other fun things.

I really like striped binding and seem to have used it on most of my recent quilts.  Did I mention how pleased I am to have finished my treatment.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

It is a beautiful quilt, Di. Congratulations. Now let your playtime resume too after a harrowing year. Love and buckets of best wishes always.