18 August 2009

A pilgrimage

(Click to appreciate)

Melissa and I made a pilgrimage on Saturday to a shrine of retail worship. We go here every once in a while to indulge our senses, to make ourselves envious of those who can actually afford to shop here and to give ourselves hope that one day, just maybe, we will also be able to bring out our credit cards and buy something magnificent. Having said that, I did make a purchase and it was probably the smallest item in the shop. Funnily enough, although I loved everything I saw, this little French wire pot was the only thing that I simply could not go home without.

I can think of so many uses for it, but for now it makes a lovely holder for my coloured pencils.


Renee said...

I really enjoy stores like that. I leave feeling inspire ~ and just a little wishful...

Anonymous said...

my goodness, that store really is beautiful - I wouldn't be able to leave without some of those lavender linen towels. Gorgeous!

Love your little wire pot!