30 June 2013

Bits and pieces from an unproductive life

It has been a while between posts and, to be honest, that is because my creative life has fallen into a bit of a hole of late.   Many projects have been attempted, but nothing has borne fruit.  Some of my failures are too embarrassing to share.  I endeavoured to try a little vignetting when I saw this idea. 

We live near the beach so I thought a little coastal chic might work but I am not sure that this is working for me.

I thought a little time in the garden might help my creativity as that is about the only thing that is bearing fruit at the moment. 

The orange tree is laden and looking beautiful.

Even the passionfruit vine has a lot of fruit. 

It seems very out of season to me and I am not sure if the fruit will ripen, but some of them seem to be making an effort.

My tiny vegetable garden is full and I have started to pick the lettuce.  I hope to harvest the beetroot and rainbow chard soon.   This week I planted some broad beans, but as there was no room in the garden I have put them in a bag.
 I hope this idea works as if it does I will get more bags and, hopefully, double the amount of  growing space and, ergo, vegetables I can grow. 

The winter garden gives me hope that I too can be more productive in the not too distant future.

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