21 July 2013

Winter lights

Perth is a relatively small city, but it is growing quickly and in the 20 or so years we have lived here it has gone from being a very large country town to a busy and much more interesting city.

We can't compete with London's Winter Wonderland or even Sydney's fantastic light shows, but for the next few weeks our city has its own winter light festival and I think it is lovely.

This was my first attempt at night photography, so my apologies that some of these photos are a little blurred.


millefeuilles said...

BEAUTIFUL! And such a thorough collection of artistic pictures too! I've always been a little curious about Perth. I had a colleague, in London, years ago who hailed from Perth and I asked her a lot of questions about her hometown. I cannot remember how many miles there are between Perth and the next major city/town but I recall it sounding like a lot of miles. Is that right? It seemed to my ignorant mind then that it might feel like being on a limb being on the extreme west coast. Of course, this is not meant as criticism just fascination for something unknown.

Looking forward to your next post.


Di said...

Hi Stephanie and thanks for your interest in Perth. Yes, we are isolated here on the west coast and we are about 2600kms from Australia's nearest capital city, Adelaide. In fact, we are closer to Asia than some Australian cities and for this reason I have never had a feeling of isolation. Perth is a lovely city. It is situated on the banks of the Swan River which is a beautiful river and it comes to life at the weekend when it is full of sailing boats and other craft. We enjoy a Mediterranean climate and our beaches are some of the best in the world. You might be interested to know that close to 2 million people live here and that one in ten of these people were born in England. I hope this doesn't sound too much like a travel brochure! As lovely as it is here, I sometimes think I would love to live in your part of the world.