16 October 2015

Colouring in

Unless you have been living in a cave for the last six months or so, you will have noticed that the latest craze is colouring in for adults.  Why should the children have all the fun?

I thought it was a lovely idea but decided that it wasn't for me and would take up too much of my precious time which should be put towards other, more productive, pursuits.  That didn't stop me buying colouring books for others however.  I admired their efforts and ignored their attempts to persuade me to join the fun as it was so 'relaxing'.

Then one day as I was pottering around blogland I came across this download.  We Are Scout is a lovely blog and has many other printables.  You might have to subscribe to download them.

Little houses!  I can never resist them, whether they be to collect (as in miniatures), embroider, make into a quilt, photograph and now, it seems, to colour in.  And guess what - it is relaxing, therapeutic, meditative, restorative and, therefore, probably beneficial and, yes, I probably should be doing something else but, you know what, it is FUN.

 This little bird will be my next project  - all in the name of doing something beneficial for my health!

Making progress.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

Love them!! Worth framing! Xx