I have a friend who could gladly spend hours wandering up and down the aisles in a hardware shop and prefers this sort of retail therapy to any other. While I have been known to make regular visits to the local Bunnings and, in fact, scarcely a week goes by without at least one visit, I would not name this as my favourite destination when shopping is undertaken. Rows of black rubber boots are all very useful,
The local Spotlight store which I used to frequent on a regular basis was closed earlier this year and while I was sorry to see it go because it meant I had to drive further for my 'fix', it was really no loss. It was an extremely dingy shop (a miner's helmet with an in-built light would have been useful), the merchandise was poorly displayed and the take a number and wait method of being served usually meant setting aside the whole day just to make one purchase. Imagine my delight when it re-opened this week in a location closer to home, in an enormous brightly lit space with plenty of helpful staff (no numbers in sight), and all the stock beautifully displayed.
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