23 November 2013

So much to do and a chicken update

Do I have any readers left?  I doubt it after such a long hiatus.  For those who have remained (thanks Mum!) I send my apologies.   The truth is I am having hip surgery in less than two weeks and I have a to do list as long as both my arms before the big day.  Being so close to Christmas means that all my Christmas shopping and cooking has to be finished as well as a thousand other little jobs.  I suppose that in the grand scheme of things if nothing got done it wouldn't be the end of the world, but I know that I will be able to relax more when I am home again if I can look at that list and see a line  drawn through each item.

I have been wanting to update you on the chickens.  Mandy's little chickens have grown and moved into a very grand chicken house.

 Now they have begun to lay, much to the excitement of two little girls.

In this case it is very definitely a case of the chicken coming before the egg.

1 comment:

Marjie said...

What a wonderful thing for the little girls to know where eggs come from and that it isn't always the supermarket! The chooks ( great Aussie word, isn't it?) must be happy to be laying such lovely looking eggs.