08 February 2008

Material girls

Our new fabrics have been on the website for some time, but I thought I should show them in the blog as well because the pics on the website are very small (a problem which we hope to overcome). Even these do not show the fabrics at their vibrant best. I am amazed at how hard it is to photograph a piece of fabric. I am sure a professional would laugh at my attempt, but we can't afford professional photography. Clicking on the image below will enlarge it and make the designs easier to see.

Copyright the cut cloth

The exciting thing is that we/our wonderful screenprinter, Gregory, can print any of these designs in any colour a customer would like, so if someone has, say, a red couch and they would like cushions in the same colour - we can do it. How good is that! The fabrics are also available for sale by the meter.

The most popular fabric so far has been this one

and we have had to order more from Gregory. I feel for him working in this hot weather - he tells me his oven for 'cooking' the fabric after it has been screenprinted reaches 140 degrees. Can you imagine how hot that would make his studio when the air temperature is already over 100 degrees (in the old measurement). I feel weak at the knees just thinking about it and will have to stop my monotonous complaints about the heat.

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