As I have already mentioned, my corners did not match very well so this method was slow as I could not stitch continuous lines and had to do each box individually.
On the back of the quilt I used a plain blue fabric as I thought there was quite enough happening on the front of the quilt.
Actually, I used a piece of sheeting fabric and I have since read that you should NEVER use sheeting fabric on the back of quilts as it is more tightly woven than quilting fabric and harder to quilt. Because I machine quilted I didn't find it to be a problem, but I will remember this for the future.
Good luck with your quilt Rosa.
thanks so much Di. Very inspirational
This is so COOL! I love Kaffee Fassett's books.
I am big on using cut-up clothing and recycled fabrics in my quilts and I also use sheets for both the fronts and backs of my quilts. I wouldn't if I was entering them in competition, but that's not likely to happen EVER. LOL! I do stay away from the REALLY high thread count sheets, though. I used one once and the needle made a little "puk" noise when it went through the fabric, so I would think it was making tiny holes, and also that it wasn't so good for the needle. However most sheets are fine in my opinion. Especially used ones because they are so soft.
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